EEE8189 - Digitalisation of Energy Systems (2024-2025 Fall)
Main Course
Venue: Dr Zor's Office (Room 213, Second Floor, M1 Building)
Date&Time: 13:00-16:00 on Fridays
Objectives: This course will teach how to digitalise the conventional grid and which digital technologies can be used for this, including but not limited to, AI, ML, blockchain, and computer simulations.
Contents: Digital Transformation of Energy Systems: Digitalisation and Digital Transformation, Smart Cities, Digital Twins, Transactive Energy, Blockchain, IoT and IoE, Data Ownership in the Digital Power System; Computational Methods for Energy Networks; Decision Support in Energy Systems; AI-Based Data and Machine Learning Approaches for Energy Systems; Cybersecurity of Digital Energy Systems.
Midterm: Abstract Preparation for a Journal Article indexed in SCIE or SSCI
Final: Manuscript Preparation for a Journal Article indexed in SCIE or SSCI
Conference Papers:
Bozkurt, H., Zor, K., Bulus, K., and Celik, O. Machine Learning-Based Classification for Electricity Theft Detection in Distribution Systems. Digital Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2024), (0858):1-9, Sep 8–12, 2024. (Rome, Italy)
Aydin, B., Zor, K., and Disken, G. Very Short-Term Prosumer Electric Load Forecasting Using Deep Learning-Based Techniques. Proceedings of the 9th International Youth Conference on Energy (IYCE2024), Jul 2–6, 2024. (Colmar, France)