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Journal Articles Indexed in SCIE and SSCI


4. Özdemir, A. C., Buluş, K., and Zor, K. Medium- to long-term nickel price forecasting using LSTM and GRU networks. Resources Policy, 78:102906, 2022.

DOI: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2022.102906


3. Çelik, Ö., Zor, K., Tan, A., and Teke, A. A novel gene expression programming-based MPPT technique for PV micro-inverter applications under fast-changing atmospheric conditions. Solar Energy, 239:268-282, 2022.

DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2022.05.012

2. Zor, K., Çelik, Ö., Timur, O., and Teke, A. Short-Term Building Electrical Energy Consumption Forecasting by Employing Gene Expression Programming and GMDH Networks. Energies, 13(5):1102, 2020.

DOI: 10.3390/en13051102

1. Teke, A., Zor, K., and Timur, O. A simple methodology for capacity sizing of cogeneration and trigeneration plants in hospitals: A case study for a university hospital. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 7(053102):1–15, 2015.

DOI: 10.1063/1.4930064

Journal Articles Indexed in ESCI and Scopus


1. Timur, O., Zor, K., Çelik, Ö., Teke, A., and İbrikçi, T. Application of Statistical and Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Medium-Term Electrical Energy Forecasting: A Case Study for a Regional Hospital. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 8(3):520–536, 2020.

DOI: 10.13044/j.sdewes.d7.0306

Book Chapters


1. Zor, K. and Çelik, Ö. An Application of Different Approaches to Missing Data for Electric Load Forecasting by Using an Advanced Gene Expression Programming Algorithm. Advances in Engineering Research, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 44:223–240, 2021. ISBN: 978-1- 53619-950-5

URL: Link

International Conference Proceedings


23. Aydin, B., Zor, K., and Disken, G. Very Short-Term Prosumer Electric Load Forecasting Using Deep Learning-Based Techniques. Proceedings of the 9th International Youth Conference on Energy (IYCE2024), Jul 2–6, 2024. (Colmar, France)

DOI: 10.1109/IYCE60333.2024.10634913

22. Tolun, G. G. and Zor, K. Very Short-Term Reactive Power Forecasting Using Machine Learning-Based Algorithms. Proceedings of the 9th International Youth Conference on Energy (IYCE2024), Jul 2–6, 2024. (Colmar, France)

DOI: 10.1109/IYCE60333.2024.10634921

21. Aydın, B. and Zor, K. A Benchmark of Deep Learning- and Tree-Based Methods for Prosumer Electric Load Forecasting. Book of Abstracts of the 44th International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF2024), (2024):44, Jun 30–Jul 3, 2024. (Dijon, France)


20. Zor, K. Prosumer Electric Load Forecasting Using Machine Learning-Based Algorithms. Book of Abstracts of the 44th International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF2024), (2024):5-6, Jun 30–Jul 3, 2024. (Dijon, France)


19. Yorat, E., Zor, K., Ozbek, N. S. and Saribulut, L. Day-Ahead Electricity Price Forecasting Using Artificial Intelligence-Based Algorithms. 2023 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT2023), Nov 20–21, 2023. (Sakheer, Bahrain)

DOI: 10.1109/3ICT60104.2023.10391547

18. Tolun, G. G., Zor, K., and Kaplan, Y. A. Daily Global Solar Irradiation Prediction of a University Campus via a Hybrid AI-Based Method. Digital Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2023), (0104):1-14, Sep 24–29, 2023. (Dubrovnik, Croatia)

17. Tolun, O. C., Zor, K., and Tutsoy, O. Electric Vehicle Charging Demand Prediction Using a Novel Machine Learning- Based Technique. Digital Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2023), (0175):1-14, Sep 24–29, 2023. (Dubrovnik, Croatia)

16. Zor, K. and Buluş, K. A Benchmark of GRU and LSTM Networks for Short-Term Electric Load Forecasting. 2021 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT2021), Sep 29–30, 2021. (Zallaq, Bahrain)

DOI: 10.1109/3ICT53449.2021.9581373

15. Zor, K. and Çelik, Ö. Short-Term Nonindustrial Reactive Power Forecasting. 17th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues (CYSENI2021), (ISSN: 1822-7554):478–487, Mar 24–28, 2021. (Kaunas, Lithuania)

URL: Link

14. Çelik, Ö. and Zor, K. Effects of MPPT Parameters on the Performance of Photovoltaic Inverters. 17th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues (CYSENI2021), (ISSN: 1822-7554):72–81, Mar 24–28, 2021. (Kaunas, Lithuania)

13. Çetin Taş, İ. and Zor, K. A Prediction of Building Electrical Energy Demand by Using ANN and SVM. 17th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues (CYSENI2021), (ISSN: 1822-7554):381–389, Mar 24–28, 2021. (Kaunas, Lithuania)


12. Zor, K., Timur, O., Çelik, Ö., Yıldırım, H. B., and Teke, A. Very Short-Term Electrical Energy Consumption Forecasting of a Household for the Integration of Smart Grids. Official Conference Proceedings of the European Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment 2018 (ECSEE2018), (ISSN: 2188-1146):1–14, Jul 6–7, 2018. (Brighton, UK)

URL: Link

11. Çelik, Ö., Tan, A., Zor, K., and Teke, A. Optimal Design and Analysis of Single-Stage Flyback PV Micro-Inverter. Official Conference Proceedings of the European Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment 2018 (ECSEE2018), (ISSN: 2188-1146):103–115, Jul 6–7, 2018. (Brighton, UK)

URL: Link

10. Timur, O., Zor, K., Çelik, Ö., and Teke, A. Very Short-Term Internet of Things Based Forecasting of Air Conditioning Loads: A Case Study for a Server Room in a Hospital. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Computer Science and Engineering (ICTACSE2018), (ISBN:978-605-9546-12-6):22–25, Jun 29–30, 2018. (İstanbul, Turkey)

9. Timur, O., Zor, K., Çelik, Ö., and Teke, A. Development of an Intelligent Energy Measurement Device for Buildings. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Computer Science and Engineering (ICTACSE2018), (ISBN:978-605-9546-12-6):16–21, Jun 29–30, 2018. (İstanbul, Turkey) 

*Best Paper Award

8. Zor, K., Çelik, Ö., Timur, O., Yıldırım, H. B., and Teke, A. Simple Approaches to Missing Data for Energy Forecasting Applications. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Clean Energy (ICCE2018), (FORC-03):1–4, May 9–11, 2018. (Gazimağusa, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus)

URL: Link

7. Zor, K., Timur, O., Çelik, Ö., Yıldırım, H. B., and Teke, A. Interpretation of Error Calculation Methods in the Context of Energy Forecasting. Digital Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2017), (0722):1–9, Oct 4–8, 2017. (Dubrovnik, Croatia)

URL: Link

6. Timur, O., Zor, K., Çelik, Ö., Yıldırım, H. B., and Teke, A. Design and Implementation of Smart Energy Measurement Plug in Smart Buildings. Digital Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2017), (0732):1–12, Oct 4–8, 2017. (Dubrovnik, Croatia)

5. Çelik, Ö., Tan, A., Zor, K., Timur, O., Yıldırım, H. B., and Teke, A. Comparative Investigation of Single-Stage and Multi-Stage Grid-Tie Micro-Inverters. Digital Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2017), (0735):1–6, Oct 4–8, 2017. (Dubrovnik, Croatia)

4. Zor, K., Timur, O., and Teke, A. A State-of-the-Art Review of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Short-Term Electric Load Forecasting. Proceedings of the 6th International Youth Conference on Energy (IYCE2017), 1–6, Jun 21–24, 2017. (Budapest, Hungary)

DOI: 10.1109/IYCE.2017.8003734

3. Zor, K., Çelik, Ö., and Teke, A. Techno-Economic Analysis of a Grid-Connected Hybrid Biogas/Photovoltaic Power Generation System in the Mediterranean Region. Official Conference Proceedings of the European Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment 2016 (ECSEE2016), (ISSN: 2188-1146):1–10, Jul 7–10, 2016. (Brighton, UK)

URL: Link

2. Zor, K., Teke, A., and Timur, O. Developing a Software Program to Determine the Optimal Capacity Rating of Gas Engine Based Cogeneration and Trigeneration Plants for Unlicensed Generation of Electricity. Digital Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2015), (0695):1–12, Sep 27–Oct 2, 2015. (Dubrovnik, Croatia)

URL: Link

1. Zor, K. and Teke, A. Onsite Energy Production with Cogeneration Plants Driven by Reciprocating Gas Engines. Digital Proceedings of the 1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SEE SDEWES Ohrid 2014), (0237):1–9, Jun 29–Jul 3, 2014. (Ohrid, North Macedonia)

URL: Link 

National Journal Articles


2. Timur, O., Zor, K., Çelik, Ö., and Teke, A. Enhancement of a Low-Cost Intelligent Device for Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A2–A3: Physical Sciences and Engineering, 60(2):103–128, Nov 2018.

URL: Link

1. Teke, A., Timur, O., and Zor, K. Calculating Payback Periods for Energy Efficiency Improvement Applications at a University Hospital. Çukurova University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 30(1):41–56, Jun 2015.

URL: Link

Other Conference Proceedings


5. Buluş, K. and Zor, K. A Hybrid Deep Learning Algorithm for Short- Term Electric Load Forecasting. The 29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SIU2021), Jun 9–11, 2021. (Istanbul, Turkey)

DOI: 10.1109/SIU53274.2021.9477869

4. Zor, K., Teke, A., Çelik, Ö., and Latran, M. B. Türkiye’de Gaz Motorlu Kojenerasyon ve Trijenerasyon Santralleri ile Elektrik Enerjisi Üretimi. IV. Elektrik Tesisat Ulusal Kongre ve Sergisi, (612):189–195, Oct 21–24, 2015. (İzmir, Turkey) 

URL: Link

3. Latran, M. B., Teke, A., and Zor, K. Akıllı Eviriciler ile Yenilenebilir Enerji Tabanlı Dağınık Üretim Sistemlerinin Akıllı Şebekelere Entegrasyonu. IV. Elektrik Tesisat Ulusal Kongre ve Sergisi, (612):246–255, Oct 21–24, 2015. (Izmir, Turkey)

URL: Link

2. Zor, K., Teke, A., and Tümay, M. Biyokütle ve Katı Atıkların Yakıt Olarak Kullanıldığı Gaz Motorlu Kojenerasyon Santralleri ile Yenilenebilir Enerji Üretimi. VIII. Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları Sempozyumu (YEKSEM 2015), (610):91–95, Oct 15–16, 2015. (Adana, Turkey)

1. Zor, K. and Teke, A. Current Status and Operation Modes of Cogeneration and Trigeneration Plants Driven by Gas Engines. Proceedings of the 21st International Energy and Environment Fair and Conference (ICCI 2015), 91–94, May 6–8, 2015. (İstanbul, Turkey)

URL: Link


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