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EEE483 - Introduction to Energy Analytics [Julia] (2023-2024 Spring)

Main Course

  • Venue: DK01, M1 Building

  • Date&Time: 09:45-12:00 on Tuesdays

  • Objectives: This course aims to teach theoretical and practical aspects of energy analytics by covering major electric power system applications of predictive analytics.

  • Contents: An Overview of Turkish Electric Power System and Electricity Market, Darting a Glance at Digitalisation of Energy and Internet of Energy Concepts, Introduction to Energy Analytics, Basics of Julia Programming Language, Data Structures, Control Structures, Functions, Preparation and Wrangling of Energy Data, Visualisation of Energy Data, Exploratory Data Analysis for Energy Analytics, Introduction to Electric Load Forecasting, Case Studies.

Lecture Slides

  1. In Preparation

  2. An Overview of Turkish Electric Power System and Electricity Market

  3. Hands-on Exercise: Turkish Electricity Market EPİAŞ Transparency Platform

  4. Darting a Glance at Digitalisation of Energy and Internet of Energy Concepts

  5. Introduction to Energy Analytics: Energy Analytics and Electricity Markets: Foundations

  6. Introduction to Energy Analytics: Measuring Energy, Energy Conversion, Energy Carriers, Energy Use in Transportation, Buildings, and Industry

  7. Case Study for Midterm Exam: Data Set and .R File


Laboratory Documents


  • Week 9: Midterm Examination (2022)

  • Week 16: Final Examination (2022)


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