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EEE407 - Renewable Energy (2024-2025 Fall)


Course Details

  • Venue: D203, M2 Building

  • Date&Time: 13:00-15:30 on Mondays

  • Objectives: This course aims to teach students the cruciality and fundamentals of renewable energy, current policies, design considerations and planning of a variety of renewable energy systems, basic principles of Power-to-X, feasibility assessment, energy storage, and grid integration along with microgrids and virtual power plants.

  • Contents: Fundamentals of Energy, Transformations, and Units, Introduction to Renewable Energy, Turkish Renewable Energy Policies and Electricity Markets, Solar Energy, Photovoltaic Power Plants, Solar Thermal Electricity (Concentrated Solar Power Plants), Wind Energy, Power-to-X (P2X), Bioenergy, Renewable Cogeneration (CHP) and Trigeneration (CCHP) Power Plants, Geothermal Energy, Hydraulic Energy, Ocean, Wave, and Tidal Energy, Energy Storage, Microgrids, Virtual Power Plants, Feasibility Calculations.




  1. Wind Power Plant and Forecasting 

    1. Emirhan Erdemoğlu

    2. Ahmet Şişmanoğlu

  2. Biomass Power Plant and Forecasting

    1. Yusuf Cerit

    2. Ahmet Asım Tırabzon



  1. Landfill Power Plant and Forecasting

    1. Semi Doğa Çolakoğlu

    2. Okan Yozbatıran

  2. Geothermal Power Plant and Forecasting

    1. İlayda Avcı

    2. Ezgi Karalı



  1. Hydroelectric Power Plant and Forecasting

    1. Murat Regaib Boyraz

    2. Hasan Kavak

  2. Solar PV Power Plant and Forecasting

    1. Ramazan Gürkan Çelik

    2. Berke Güneş Özırmak



  1. Natural Gas CHP Plant and Forecasting

    1. Mahmut Sabahyıldızı

    2. Alihan Şenel 

  2. Nuclear Power Plant and Forecasting

    1. Şiar Tunçdemir

    2. Fatih Furkan Çam

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